Why Dish Network is Raising Satellite TV and Internet Prices in 2021
Dish Price Hike 2021
Dish, like DirecTV and Comcast, is raising prices again in 2021. Of course, this is to be expected, as it happens every 6-12 months. Most of these price increases can be tied to the rising cost of programming. That is why Netflix is such a threat to traditional TV providers. Netflix does not raise their rates nearly as often and yet they keep coming out with new shows. Netflix will no doubt raise prices again in the future but the price increases are minimal compared to those of traditional pay TV.
However, we must give Dish a little credit. Why? Because Dish owns the streaming service Sling TV. Over six years ago, Dish recognized that content prices and retransmission fees would keep going up and that younger consumers would not subscribe to traditional TV. The leadership team at Dish created Sling so that consumers could use antennas and Sling to get a comprehensive programming package of local networks and cable channels for $30 per month.
At StreamWise Solutions, formerly freeTVee we know all the details of why your TV prices keep going up. We have spent ten years studying the ins and outs of TV pricing. We know exactly how to get rid of all the sneaky box and broadcast fees that add up every month. Dish raising prices again in 2021 is just the latest in ongoing Cable & Satellite price increases.

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Dish bait and switch pricing
Dish’s business savvy is top notch, however they do employ some unethical business practices that make Dish is one of the most hated companies in the U.S. First off, its no mistake that they do these major annual price increases in January, right after the Christmas holiday. Everyone is busy back at work and school, so no time to notice their Dish bill going up by $10-$20 a month, but that’s not necessarily unethical. This is in addition to the “promo” prices that drop off and increase your bill ever 3-6 months as well.
Then there is the Dish bait and switch pricing game that it has been playing with it’s customers for over a decade now, and it’s only getting worse. They quote you a price and don’t include all of the extra TV fees and taxes, which in 2021 now accounts for over 25% of your monthly cable bill.
They also know that if they “save a tree” and put your bill on auto pay, you will not see when they add on extra fees every month and your triple play bundle bill creeps higher. Not to mention all of the non stop TV channel blackouts and forced 2 year contracts that apply to you but not to them.

Dish misinforms it’s customers
Even worse is the fact that there is so much misinformation about TV, Internet and Phone, most of it coming from Dish Satellite themselves. Dish sales reps misinform people on a daily basis. Here are some of the zingers I have heard repeatedly over the 23 years in Telecom – click on the links below our StreamWise expert blog with the real truth.
- “The triple play bundle bill of TV, Internet and Phone is your least expensive option. If you get internet by itself it will be $100 a month.”
- “Your bill with the promo price will stay the same for the next year or two.”
- “Yes your double play bundle price is only $100 per month for TV and Internet.”
- “You will not save any money by Cutting The Cord, it’s the same price as Cable now.”
- “You can’t cancel service until your next bill date.”
With all of this misinformation coming from Dish themselves, why would you waste hours of time calling in to Dish to argue over your bill every few months? This sounds like the definition of insanity. Stop calling Dish and playing their games. Take control back and cut your bill in half, call an expert from StreamWise Solutions now to get real honest advice!
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Why do Dish prices keep going up?
In short, the Pay TV Providers (Comcast, DirecTV, Dish) pay the Network Content Providers (Disney, Time Warner, CBS, FOX) for their channels. These are called Re-transmission Fees – you can learn more about them here.
These major Network Content Providers have a lot of expenses. Just one example of an expense is Patrick Mahomes $500 million salary. Network Content Providers keep raising their rates to cover costs and make a profit, plus they also force the TV Providers to buy channels in bundles as opposed to A La Carte channels, so this is the real problem with TV.
None of these Providers are going to offer content for free – unless they have to… The FCC sponsored Antenna program does just that, you get all your major local network channels 100% free forever! StreamWise understands this, which is why we offer solutions that focus on maximum freedom, flexibility and savings.

Dish pricing and blackouts will get worse
I am constantly baffled by some people that call in to StreamWise Solutions and think that their prices will get better with Dish as the years go on, since they have “been with Dish for over 10 years”. Actually it’s quite the opposite, even if Dish wanted to lower prices they can’t due to their dysfunctional relationship Network Content Providers and their escalating rates. I don’t expect the average person to understand the dark underbelly of the TV industry. However, all you need to do is take a look at your Cable and Satellite bills over the last 10 years and know that no matter what Cable or Satellite tells you the numbers don’t lie…
In reality anyone that sticks with their old Cable & Satellite provider will actually have higher rate increases and much bigger bills. Pay TV prices will only get worse, and channel blackouts more frequent. Over 10 million people Cut The Cord from Cable & Satellite in the last 2 years, yet Network Content Providers continue to raise prices, Pay TV Providers have no choice but to exponentially increase prices and fees every year to make up for subscriber losses and higher content rates. Cable & Satellite will not only have higher rate increases but they will be happening more frequently, usually in the form of sneaky fees, bait & switch pricing and locked in contracts.

Cutting The Cord correctly will save you $1,500 a year
Remember all of that misinformation we discussed at the beginning of the blog? Dish has denied Cord Cutting was real for the last 10 years, but now with over 10 million people Cutting The Cord in the last 2 years, it’s pretty hard to deny that Cord Cutting is real. So now Dish has a new lie, pushing the story that you can’t save money by Cutting The Cord and prices end up being the same as your old Cable and Satellite bill?!?
Once again, they must be using old Dish math, because I can tell you that StreamWise Solutions has helped thousands of customers save millions of dollars a year. While I do agree that there are people that try and DIY Cord Cutting and do it wrong, so they end up paying way more than they should be paying. To be fair, there are a lot of confusing and misleading Cord Cutting options out there as well. StreamWise Solutions is all about “Connected Living Made Easy” – our average customer saves over $1,500 every year, forever!
I have just completed cutting cable TV out of my life for good. Cable companies tend to be disreputable as they raise your prices without notice, they play games when you call in to try to get them to reduce the bill and they eliminate channels you actually watch when reducing the price and then raise it back up in one month. I hired this company out of Lakewood called StreamWise Solutions to get me set up. I’ve got everything I want to watch (and still a bunch more) but my savings are $130/month!! Won’t take long to pay for the service (1x cost).
Best Dish alternatives
2021 has an insane amount of TV options. With over 300 streaming services and hundreds of TV Antenna options, the issue isn’t TV content options. It’s the opposite – how to you find what you want and not over pay for it?
Trust the StreamWise Solutions experts to save your time, money and sanity by getting you the channels and apps you want with a easy to use grid guide, DVR and 1 remote! Believe it or not, in 2021 there are lots of free or inexpensive options to get any Cable Channel you want without a contract.

Conclusion – Do your research, get the same channels and cut your monthly bill in half
Based on 23 years of front line TV & Telecom experience, I can tell you without a doubt that there is only one solution to the big Cable and Satellite bundle bill problem. If you want to avoid all the fees and not waste hours of your time on the phone with Dish, DirecTV, Comcast or CenturyLink every few months, then Cut The Cord and get Internet and TV separately.
Do NOT fall for Dish’s Bundle BS trap. All you need is inexpensive high-speed Internet for $40-$56 (includes fees and taxes). You can get local network TV channels for free and all of your favorite cable channels for way less money with NO contracts.
StreamWise Solutions has been helping people Cut The Cord for over ten years and offers the best TV and Internet solution made easy. Schedule a free consultation with a StreamWise Solutions expert and save your time, money, and sanity!