Xfinity NOW Internet
Many recent conversations have been about Xfinity NOW Internet. Why did Xfinity come out with another service plan? Is it any better? Or, is this the same bait and switch pricing we’ve experienced from Comcast Xfinity before?
Well, what we can tell you is this:
- It’s the same Xfinity network.
- It’s prepaid, but no credit checks.
- The $30/ month price is “introductory.”
- Limited to 100 MBPS speeds.
- Jump to our conclusion below
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Xfinity NOW Internet prices and speeds
Xfinity will always try to sell you more speed and higher priced plans, so you may have to work to get these Xfinity NOW Internet plans. However this screenshot is directly from the Xfinity NOW Internet website.

Quick history of Colorado ISPs including Xfinity Internet
Ten years ago, the US consumer were lucky to have two choices for internet. They could get internet service from their cable provider or from the telephone company. Essentially, consumers were constrained by a duopoly. But fast forward to today and consumers have a wide variety of choices.
- Super fast fiber is rolling out across the country thanks to the BEAD program.
- 5G cellular networks can now provide homes with fast, reliable home service, known as fixed wireless internet.
- Even satellite internet service, which was available but slow, has come along way with the introduction of Starlink.
Why Xfinity NOW Internet was introduced
Needless to say, this has forced the cable companies, who once held the lion’s share of internet connections, to come up with a competitive offer. To that end, Xfinity (Comcast) recently introduced a pre-paid internet service with an attractive introductory price point of $30 per month. From Xfinity’s website, NOW internet is promoted as follows:
“NOW Internet is a new high-speed home internet option backed by the reliable Xfinity network to give you a consistent connection at a great value. It’s perfect for those looking for a straightforward, prepaid internet option with no credit checks or long-term agreements. With NOW Internet, you get unlimited data and WiFi equipment that you don’t have to worry about returning. You can activate your service in minutes on the Xfinity app.“
At first glance, this seems too good to be true, especially as these plans include unlimited data, which means unlimited streaming and no data caps. Admittedly, for $30 per month you only get download speeds of 100 MBPS (vs 1000 MBPS with standard subscriptions) but for a one or two person home that does not do a lot of online gaming, this should be plenty.
Our conclusion about Xfinity NOW Internet
Of course, it would be naive to think these prices will remain so low. As the website says, “This monthly price is not an introductory rate. There is no term contract. Price is subject to change.” Price is subject to change usually means the price will go up.
If you can get Fiber Internet that is always the best option. However if you are not a power Internet user and you are stuck with Xfinity as your only option, Xfinity NOW Internet may be for you.
We do not recommend Xfinity NOW Internet to power users of internet services. However, the Xfinity NOW Internet offering is best suited for senior living households and affordable housing. Thus, we suggest considering it if your household meet the following conditions:
- not exceed two power users*
- no serious online gaming or video conference calls
- benefits from the Affordable Connectivity Program
- or, you need to maintain strict budgets in regards to utilities.
Keep in mind, these are guidelines based on our experience setting up Wi-Fi and Internet services in thousands of households. To best understand the internet service most appropriate for your home, please check out our Best Internet Service Provider page.
* Power users include those who need to download a lot of large files for work or gaming, use video conferencing most of the day, or stream video on multiple TVs simultaneously