How to avoid Comcast Xfinity price increases
The 6 ways to avoid Comcast Xfinity price increases
We’ve helped thousands of Colorado residents discover how to avoid Comcast Xfinity price increases.
- Broadcast TV Fees
- Cable TV Box Fees
- Regional Sports Fees
- Modem/Gateway Rental Fees
- Data Caps
- Cord Cutting (stream vs. cable)
- Drop Xfinity and change service providers!
Broadcast TV Fees – Avoid and Save $468/ year
Broadcast TV fees are not required! This fee relates to the rebroadcasting of local channels (ex. ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, PBS, etc.). But, these channels are broadcast for FREE from the FCC. They are created by Cable & Satellite providers. Why? So that they can raise monthly prices for all of their customers, even the ones that are on a contract with a “guaranteed” rate for TV service.
With a whole-home outdoor or attic antenna, you can get 100+ local broadcast channels FREE with NO BROADCAST TV FEES. And it’s the highest quality HD. Learn more about whole-home antenna and FREE TV for life.
TV Box Fee(s) – Avoid and SAVE up to $144/ year
Instead of renting a cable TV Box/ DVR, we recommend owning a Wi-Fi 6 optimized streaming media player. Plus, most streaming services now have built-in DVR or on-demand features with no additional cost. Learn more about Live TV streaming options.
Regional Sports Fees – Avoid and SAVE $164/ year
Similar to the Broadcast TV Fee, Comcast Xfinity (all pay TV providers) charge regional sports fees. But, in Colorado, you can watch every Broncos game FREE. And, Xfinity still charges a regional sports fee, even though they continue to black out Altitude Sports. As a cord cutter you have several options to get Altitude Sports to watch all Nuggets & Avalanche games! Plus you can watch all Rockies games on AT&T Sportsnet Rocky Mountain as well. If you’re happy watching live sports broadcasts, and recording on your home DVR, you can save $164 /year in just fees alone.
Modem/Gateway Rental Fees – Avoid and SAVE $180+/ year
The irony of the Comcast Xfinity “Internet/Voice Equipment Rental” fee is that this equipment is substandard hardware (sometimes refurbished) for $180+ per year. For Xfinity Internet, there are better modems and Wi-Fi 6 Mesh hardware options that you can own vs. rent. These will not only give you better and faster Wi-Fi, but will also save you from paying any monthly rental fees at all! Or with new Internet competition, simply find a Better Internet Provider.
Avoid Data Caps, Right-size Internet Speed – SAVE up to $360/ year
Comcast Xfinity is one of the few internet providers that has Data Caps. Why? Well of course so that they can charge you more money. First they charge you expensive penalties for going over their forced data cap, or they will sell you a $30 per month “unlimited data” solution to the problem they created in the first place. And, the Xfinity team is trained to sell you into more Internet speed than you actually need. Just like the “faster speed” pitch, Xfinity has an annoying data cap scam as well.
Avoid costly data caps (or unlimited data service fees) of up to $30/ month – learn how.
Streaming vs. Cable (aka Cord Cutting) – no contracts, no fees
Cable still forces subscribers into a short list of packages. And they require long-term contracts with early termination fees. In addition to raising the Broadcast TV Fee by 12%, Xfinity’s base Sports & News TV package which requires the Choice TV package increased by 12%. Avoid all of the extra sneaky fees, avoid contracts, and avoid the headaches. See less expensive options.