How Much Can I Save?
Get Rid of Silly Fees and Taxes
A StreamWise Solutions, formerly freeTVee, installation eliminates monthly equipment rental fees, regional sports fees, broadcast TV fees, HD fees, DVR fees and all the taxes that go along with it. The cost of channel subscriptions go way down and your savings go way up.
StreamWise Solutions vs. DIY
Unfortunately, most people who don’t have our experience will make a lot of costly mistakes if they DIY their cord cutting. 25% of our customers tried to cut the cord by themselves and failed. They called StreamWise Solutions to get it done right.
Return on Investment
We have cut the cord for thousands of customers. Purchasing and implementing a solution on your own will take weeks to figure out, cost you more money and make you angry. We know because we started just like you over eight years ago. We have tried every cord cutting strategy available.
Cord Cutting Savings Explained
The couple in the example above were able to get all their favorite channels but one. They invested with StreamWise Solutions to cut the cord. This translates to $2,488 in TV savings per year.
Invest to Save
If this couple had not cut the cord, last year they would have paid over $3,360 to their TV / internet provider. They asked StreamWise Solutions to install all the cord cutting technology – AntStream HD, Modem Boost, Wi-Fi and 2 Extra TVs.
Break Even
At StreamWise Solutions, formerly freeTVee, we define cord cutting break even as the point where your cumulative monthly savings equals your total investment with StreamWise Solutions. In our example, this couple paid $1,177 to StreamWise Solutions, after taxes. By month seven, their cumulative monthly savings had reached $1,200, enough to cover their StreamWise Solutions invoice. In the next five years they will save over $10,000.
We Watch TV in Our Own Way
Everyone watches TV differently. In this example to the right, we see that this couple saved $101 per month on TV bundles by cord cutting. They invested $866 with StreamWise Solutions and broke even in month eleven. They were already paying for Netflix and Amazon Prime.
More Content
One thing these break even analysis don’t consider is the amount of free content available once you embrace cord cutting. From YouTube to ad supported movie services, the amount of free and legal content you can watch on all your TVs is staggering. You never run out of things to watch and it is so much cheaper than traditional TV.
Channel Selection
At StreamWise Solutions, we can legally set you up with 98% of the channels you get with traditional pay TV package. If we can’t get you two channels you watched before, you need to ask yourself this: are those one or two channels worth $1,000 + per year. Think of it this way – if StreamWise Solutions can’t legally get you two channels, are those two channels worth $40 each per month?
Regional Sports Networks
As of 2019, because of outdated contracts, no one can get you legal, local access for all regular baseball, basketball and hockey pro games. Don’t worry – you won’t miss a single important game or playoff game. These games will be on national networks like TNT, TBS, CBS, ESPN, ABC, NBC and FOX. All these channels are available to cord cutters. If you need to watch every single local regular season baseball, hockey and basketball game then you need to stick to traditional pay TV. You will pay through the nose for it.